
Real Step

Portuguese manufacturer for shoe components Real Step has purchased in 2024 one CT-PRT and one CT-TREAT machines for treating rubber outsoles, that are later injected

Stubbe Portugal

Stubbe is a PU. TPU, EVA, and rubber sole manufacturer, placed in Trofa, Portugal. They have incorporated a controlled temperature CT-250 SR drying and reactivating

Industrias Plásticas Igor

Child’s shoe manufacturer, recently incorporated a complete line for treating and bonding PVC uppers to injection EVA outsoles. Relies on CT-6/SPD UV curing system, together

Manufacturas Roland

  Shoe manufacturer for sport and safety shoes, placed in Arnedo. Manufacturas Roland recently added a UVC/Ozone surface treatment CT-200 machine, as well as a


Independent research and testing institute, reknown worldwide as a reference authority in the leather and footwear industry. Since 2015, Satra UK has incorporated our CT-100

Calçados Alex

Shoe manufacturer with a production of 1000 to 1200 pairs/day, located in Felgueiras (PORTUGAL) Calçados Alex is currently using our CT-100 machine in its production


Shoe manufacturer with a production of 1000 pairs/day, located in Córdoba (ARGENTINA) Fabincal is using our CT-100 surface treatment machine to treat thermoplastic rubber and


Ladies’ shoes manufacturers, with a production of over 2000 pairs/day, located in Elche, in the province of Alicante. Wonders relies on Celtecnia’s AS-3000 (predecessor of

Bambú Europa

Ladies’, gentlemen’s, and kids’ shoes manufacturer, with a production of 1000 pairs/day in its facilities in Monóvar, in the Alicante province. AS-3000 machine (predecessor of